Friday, May 29, 2015

This first post is a question about something that really annoys me.  Why do so many white females speak with what I call a 'lazy' voice these days?  If you don't know what I mean, I'll try to describe it.  They speak as if they don't have enough air in their lungs and they are almost straining to get the words out, or as if they are not using their diaphragm. It produces a gravely sounding voice that is extremely unfeminine and very annoying once you are conscious of it.

I don't really know what causes it, as I am unable to reproduce the sound at will, although I have caught myself doing it (rarely) on a word on occasion.  Some only do this with a few words, usually the last words of a sentence, as if they have run out of air before they finish speaking, while others do it on every single word.  What I really don't understand is why this phenomenon is getting worse.  Its become extremely bad over the last ten years.  If you look back to the TV shows in the 1980s and 1990s it is almost nonexistent.

I don't mean to pick on white females as I have heard other races and ethnic groups do this, as well as men, but it is a rarity for them, and white females are far more likely to have this "affliction."

A good example of what I am describing can be heard on the show Flip or Flop. Christina El Moussa has a pretty severe lazy voice. I don't mean to pick on her, she seems like a very nice person.  She is just a good example.

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