Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I would like to comment about a statement made by Neil deGrasse Tyson during and episode of Cosmos.  He said "The theory of global warming is as much of a theory as the theory of gravity." Now, this is not a direct quote as I cannot remember his exact words but his point was since the theory of gravity is a fact then the theory of global warming is a fact.  He obviously does now know the difference between fact and theory. 

The only thing we know about gravity that can be considered a fact is Newton's Law, which is nothing more than an equation that can be used to predict what happens but cannot say why.  We still do not know what gravity is or why it does what it does.  That is a fact.  So...Neil is correct in his statement, although the point he made is the opposite of the point he wanted to make.  We know the earth has warmed a little but we have not proved why.  It is all theory and theory is not fact. 

Some may say 'but we have evidence to support the theory.'  Of course you do.  It would not be a theory if there was no evidence to support it.  It cannot be called a theory without evidence.  It would only be a hypothesis.   Never forget that theories change all the time as new evidence is discovered.

 "No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong." - Albert Einstein 

Thursday, June 25, 2015

I would like to share part of a discussion with a liberal about guns.  The discussion moved toward a woman defending herself with a gun and killing a would be rapist.  I have edited the discussion by removing the liberal's name and changing my name to Me.  Other than that, everything has been copied word for word.

About using a gun to defend yourself from rape

Liberal - “If she shoot him an he dies then she'll have to live with that the rest of her life. It could seriously scar her emotionally.”

Me - “You don't think being raped will scare her emotionally? You don't think being raped will haunt her for the rest of her life? What if he kills her when he's finished?  What about the women he rapes after her? At least by killing him, he will never rape anyone else. She can at least receive a little comfort knowing she saved other women from that fate.”

Liberal - “But killing is just wrong! She has no right to kill anyone!  ”

Me - “He's a criminal and a rapist!”

Liberal - “Not unless convicted and even so ANY killing is wrong!!!!”

Me - “I bet you don't have a problem killing unborn children.”

Liberal - “Thats not the same thing! A fetus is not even human!”

Me - “The definition of fetus is 'unborn young of any vertebrate, particularly mammals, after it has acquired its basic form' so, a human fetus is very much a human.”

Liberal - “No its not! It's nothing more than a mass of cells! Its like cancer growing in a woman body or a parasite!”

Me - “You really believe that? If so...I just don't know what to say. I feel sorry for you.”

Liberal - “Dont feel sorry for me. You are the idiot with your stupid belief in your god and your war on women! Do the world a favor and go home and take one of those guns you love so much and place it in your mouth and pull the trigger.”

Me - “Such a violent person! Aren't you gong to call me a racist and bigot also?”

Liberal - “Im not violent, YOU are violent! You want to kill people! You gun nuts want to bring back the old west! You hate women you hate the poor you hate gays you hate african americans! Like Oprah said you just need to die!”

Me - “LOL...OK, then...You have opened my eyes. I can see that you are a typical tolerant, non violent liberal and I am a typical intolerant, greedy, violent, gun loving conservative. I don't think we have anything else to say to each other. Have a nice day.”

Liberal - “Fuck you asshole!”
I chose not to respond to his last colorful statement.  This is a typical example of almost every discussion I have had with liberals. I will probably post more in the future.